
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Beeswax Batik Project Using Generation Green Colorant

Barb Keeling of recently introduced me to Generation Green Colorants. The colorants come in small, but potent, eye dropper type bottles. One drop of the colorant in water goes a long, long way. When a smidgen of Fabric Magic is added, the fabric becomes washable. From another source I was given several pounds of 100% beeswax and had been wanting to experiment with the wax batiking process. The Generation Green Colorants proved very easy to use on 100% cotton fabric. They are non-toxic and contain no VOCs. The colors seen in this 13"x13" piece were added very sparingly to water. Perhaps I will be more bold and add more colorant to the water with the next piece. The colors are very vivid--real eye-poppers.


  1. Gorgeous!! And it sound like a lot of fun. Thanks for the heads-up on the GGC - I'll be checking them out.
