Wednesday, February 10, 2016

3-D Transformation of Felt with Wire #2

After completing the first felt leaf with covered picture wire*, I started looking through cabinets in my studio and found  more felt.
Sculptural Manipulation #1

(* Instructions on making a sculptural felt piece, check out my blog post on January 24th, 2016.)

Below are representations of the second leaf, both as it lays flat and then how it might be sculptured.

Completed leaf laying flat
Sculptural Manipulation #1

Sculptural Manipulation #2
The felt I used was craft quality and orange in color--a color that I have never seen so raw in nature.  In order to make the leaf more lifelike, I diluted green acrylic craft paint with water and painted it over both sides of the leaf.

When I construct future leaves, I believe I may also stitch over wire in the vein areas in addition to the edge and main "stem" so that the form can be sculpturally manipulated further.
Always remember, never fear to experiment.  
Sometimes wonderful things happen.
© Linda Friedman 2016.  All rights reserved


  1. I love these leaf sculptures, Linda! It's fun to see how your technique is developing.

    1. I'm happy that you are enjoying the leaf sculptures, Mia. This is a technique that might become addicting :-)
